EOC Coordinator Manual

General Info
Getting Started
General Club Information
Business Cards
Emergency Numbers

Coordinator Policy Reference
Safety Policy

Volunteer Team
Helping Others
Banning Someone
Member Notations

Event Management
Choosing Your Event
Setting up Events
Paid Events
Modifying Your Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Running Your Event
Completing Your Event

Volunteer Newsletters

Managing Your Upcoming Events

Waiting List
Previous No-Shows
Attendees (Adding/Deleting)
  • Waiting List
    Under "Coordinate" - "Upcoming Events", find your event and click on "Wait List". Add members to the event as desired. You may add more participants than the stated maximum but when setting up your event, please make your max group size your true maximum. Two to four additions above the max is still acceptable as it allows for last minute drop offs and whatnot. Do not add a large number of people. See our Commandments for more info.
    - Do not line jump. Members on the wait list must be added in the same sequence that they signed up. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see our FAQ and our Commandments for more info.
    - Why doesn't the web site just add people from the waiting list automatically? There are a few reasons:
    1. The web site can't tell if you have enough drivers or not, and if you don't, you should take people who are willing to drive before you take others
    2. The web site can't tell if you want to add more than the maximum, which we often do, for example, when two people are on the waiting list together and we know they're a couple we'll usually add them both, or some coordinators (myself included) often exceed our maximum by about 10% to account for last-minute drop-outs. EOC policy is to avoid adding more than 20% above your maximum, or increasing your maximum without notifying attendees, though, so be cautious with this. See our Commandments for more info.
    3. The web site can't tell if you want to skip over someone who has 5+ no-shows on their account. See FAQ Why was someone else from the waiting list taken before me? for more information. It is up to you to decide if you will skip over these people or not. As you get more familiar with coordinating, you will discover your own preferences on the matter.

  • Previous No-Shows
    A person with more than 4 no shows is considered to have shown unreliability with regards to the Club’s cancellation policies. A coordinator may move a registrant with 5 or more no shows to the waiting list at their discretion, or skip over them on the waiting list.
  • Attendees
    You can add people to your event (no line jumping, though), and delete people from your event in cases where people can't/won't do it themselves. See "Adding to the List" and "Deleting Registrations" under Completing Your Event for more information.

    When members register for an event, they must accept the waiver before they're added to the list. There are some cases where this is circumvented, for example, automatic registration of coordinators, or use of the Agents feature. Prior to your event, you must ensure that everyone who is attending has accepted the waiver. On your left nav, go to "Coordinate Upcoming" and go to the "Carpool List". If any attendee has a link called "NEEDED" under "Online Waiver", that means they have not accepted the waiver. Click the "NEEDED" link to automatically send them a reminder to accept the waiver. Monitor the list, and if they still haven't accepted the waiver prior to the date of the event, follow up with an e-mail or a phone call. If they still do not accept the waiver, you should inform them that they cannot attend the event and remove them from the list.
  • E-Mail
    The group should be emailed 24-48 hours before the event, or if any significant changes to the event take place.
    Under "Coordinate" - "Upcoming Events", click "E-Mail". A prewritten email will be in the text box. Read it over and add important details, delete paragraphs that aren’t relevant, or otherwise change it as necessary. Click "Send" to send the email - there is no preview available.
    To email the wait list, select "Wait List" under "Coordinate" - "Upcoming Events", and click on "Send email to wait list for this event". Again, change the body of the message as necessary to inform the wait list of the situation.

*Coordinator Manual Last Updated 2013/08/06 by Rhonda Scheurer