EOC Coordinator Manual

General Info
Getting Started
General Club Information
Business Cards
Emergency Numbers

Coordinator Policy Reference
Safety Policy

Volunteer Team
Helping Others
Banning Someone
Member Notations

Event Management
Choosing Your Event
Setting up Events
Paid Events
Modifying Your Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Running Your Event
Completing Your Event

Volunteer Newsletters

EOC Volunteer Newsletter, 2011/06/09

Greetings EOC volunteers. With the summer weather finally setting in, we're ramping up to have a fantastic season. In this edition of EOC Volunteer Business:

Interpreting/Applying the Updated Cancellation Policy

As you are finishing off your completed events, remember that in May we implemented a change to our Cancellation Policy, particularly with regards to assigning no-shows for late cancellations. The high-level result is that we no longer assign no-shows for every late cancellation, but rather, only for late cancellations which fit certain criteria.

I've updated the Completing Your Event page to include information about the updated policy. Please make sure you're familiar with it and follow it consistently. The team unanimously voted this updated policy in, with the idea that it is as fair as possible to all parties. It is very important that everyone be consistent when applying this policy - it doesn't help the club, our volunteers, or even our members if people take liberties with the policy in an attempt to be nice. If you have an issue with the policy, or have a situation in which you do not wish to follow the policy, please be sure to bring that up to myself and the club executive so that we can review and possibly refine the policy again.

Volunteer Social, Coordinator Recruiting

We had a very nice volunteer social last night, and I would like to thank those of you who came out. We only had two "wanna be" coordinators join us, and I was hoping for more, but I'll take what I can get. Please be sure to refer people to me and/or to the volunteer socials if they are interested in coordinating.

I have posted the next volunteer social for July 25th: EOC Volunteer Info and Social at Pub 1905. I know that's fairly soon after the one last night, but with summertime being our busiest time, I don't want to leave it too late to connect with any potential new volunteers. I hope to see you out for it, and please do refer any hopeful volunteers to it.

Fun Stats

I'm a statistics fiend, which is why there are so many statistical reports on the web site. For those of you who enjoy statistics as much as I do, here are some fun ones:

As of today:

  • Events Held to Date: 1158
  • Person-Trips Completed to date: 13,001
  • Average Number of Events Per Month: 26 (this is close to one per day!!)
  • Active Members: 141 (this has grown considerably in the last few months... I think the last time I checked it was closer to 100 or 110)

Our most active coordinators in the past three months are: Joanne with 16 events coordinated, Sandie with 17 events coordinated and Mae with a whopping 19 events coordinated!

We had a slow start to the year because of the crappy weather, but since May we're starting to offer a higher number of events per month than we had in 2010. Note:

Events by month:
  January February March April May June
2010 30 21 30 37 33 32
2011 22 16 27 34 39 33 (posted so far... and we're only 1/3 into the month!!)

You can see this information yourself on the web site at any time. Just log in and go to the very bottom of your left - look for "Event Count/Mo" report under "Web Site".

Team Updates

As anticipated, David Z has re-joined our volunteer team. Please join me in welcoming David. At this time I haven't got any potential volunteers in the hopper. Boo hoo! How sad! Please encourage folks to contact me if you think they'd be a good event coordinator.

That's it for now. Have fun and send your potential volunteers my way!

Rhonda Scheurer
Volunteer Coordinator
Edmonton Outdoor Club

*Coordinator Manual Last Updated 2013/08/06 by Rhonda Scheurer