EOC Coordinator Manual

General Info
Getting Started
General Club Information
Business Cards
Emergency Numbers

Coordinator Policy Reference
Safety Policy

Volunteer Team
Helping Others
Banning Someone
Member Notations

Event Management
Choosing Your Event
Setting up Events
Paid Events
Modifying Your Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Running Your Event
Completing Your Event

Volunteer Newsletters

Helping Others


The Volunteer Coordinator has overall responsibility for helping new event coordinators get started volunteering with the club, however, your help is needed in this process!

When someone is interested in coordinating events, they will be expected to provide references from at least two current club volunteers - at some point, it is likely that this will be you. They should ask you ahead of time if you can provide a reference for them. Only agree to this if you feel you know them well enough to provide a knowledgeable reference - the Volunteer Coordinator will be relying on your opinion in deciding whether the candidate is appropriate as an event coordinator for the club. We take these references very seriously so please only give a good reference to someone if you know them well enough to be very confident they’d be a good coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator will be taking your word for it as a trusted volunteer that this is someone we can count on to carry the torch of providing high quality, consistent events to our members, and to be good ambassadors for the club, especially for new folks attending.

In addition to asking for a reference, the candidate will also likely ask if you can co-coordinate an event with them in the next month or two. You are not obligated to do that, but it would be awfully nice if you did. :)

When the candidate submits you to the Volunteer Coordinator as a reference, you'll receive a note from the VC asking some specific questions about the candidate. Please answer everything as honestly as you can. If you don't feel they are appropriate, say so... the VC has some sensitive ways to communicate a rejection to candidates without revealing sources or details. The VC will also ask if you're able to co-coordinate one of their probationary events with them.

After the Volunteer Coordinator has confirmed that the candidate meets our requirements, they will put a Notation on the candidate's account that they are a "Coordinator In Training", which means that they've begun the process of working towards their star.

Co-Coordination / Training

If you are able to co-coordinate a training event with a "Coordinator In Training" (whether or not you were one of their references), you will be expected to:

  1. Set up the event on the web site based on information the your Trainee provides. If at all possible, sit down with them while you’re creating the event. Show them how the web site works, particularly creating and editing events. Also, walk through the "Coordinate Upcoming" and "Coordinate Past" features. Remember that they will have the "Coordinate Upcoming" and "Coordinate Past" features of the web site as soon as they’re listed as a coordinator on an event, but they will NOT have the "Edit" event pages until they have their volunteer star.. If you’re not able to sit in person with them during event creation, you may wish to have them fill out the "Event Draft Form for Trainees" form which is available in our "Files for Coordinators" on the web site.
  2. Attend the event, helping out as necessary, but mostly providing guidance and moral support.
  3. Be sure your Trainee knows how to finish off the event, including removing any registrants who didn't attend, submitting waivers, entering a write-up, and submitting photos.
  4. Report back to the Volunteer Coordinator with any comments or concerns you have regarding the event or the Coordinator in Training. In your message, indicate how things went, particularly if there’s anything with regards to coordinating that they may require more training with, or if you have any concerns with the Coordinator In Training. We have a "Coordinator In-Training Event Feedback Form" under our "Files for Coordinators" area which you may wish to use. This is not mandatory, but you may find it useful in organizing your thoughts. Be sure to let the Volunteer Coordinator know if you were able to provide any web site training or not during the process.

*Coordinator Manual Last Updated 2013/08/06 by Rhonda Scheurer