EOC Coordinator Manual

General Info
Getting Started
General Club Information
Business Cards
Emergency Numbers

Coordinator Policy Reference
Safety Policy

Volunteer Team
Helping Others
Banning Someone
Member Notations

Event Management
Choosing Your Event
Setting up Events
Paid Events
Modifying Your Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Running Your Event
Completing Your Event

Volunteer Newsletters

Member Notations

The club uses the Member Notation feature of the web site to flag issues with members. Having this information on-hand helps us all by letting us be aware of previous issues with members. Adding and updating notations is available to all members of the volunteer team.

If you feel that you have had a situation with a member which warrants adding a notation about them, please use the following guidelines:

  1. Use discretion when entering this information onto the website. It is not for personal venting, it is to be used for issues which detract from the enjoyment of other attendees, affect the ability of the event coordinator to do their job, or affect the overall success of the event. For example, safety issues, behavior-related issues.
  2. Review the notation after a time and remove if it no longer current and necessary. If particulars of the notation change ensure they are updated.

Coordinators are allowed to wait-list or remove a person from an event based on these member notations if they feel that the person's attendance is going to impact the success of the event. If we continuously experience issues with a specific individual, the club executive may decide to take action on that person's membership and/or attendance on events.

Note that the Volunteer Coordinator also uses the Notations to alert you of a Coordinator In Training. When these notations are added, please do whatever you can to help the person in training to get their star.

*Coordinator Manual Last Updated 2013/08/06 by Rhonda Scheurer