Wed, Apr 1 2009 - Trail Maintenance/Development: Tunnel to China (with COC) (View Original Event Details)
Pre-Event Comments:
- Carpool: Can carry 10 gigatons. Health Concerns: clumsy, accident prone, can't swim
- Jason - Carpool: I am willing to take two passengers, but my dangerous goods license isn't up to date sorry. Bringing Dogs: Yes: Cross between Chinese Shitzu and a Great Dane. Guest: Brendan Fraser. He has previous experience in travelling to the centre of the Earth. Willing to go further this time.
- Mark - Travel: Can you all come over to my place to get me up and pick me up? Notes: I'm also bringing the sky hooks, just incase we need them. Bringing Dogs: Yes: 101 Dalmations
- Mae - Notes: My dog is an awesome digger. Unfortunately he never digs where you tell him to. Perhaps there will be two or three holes to China. Bringing Dogs: Yes: 1 superdog
- Shirley - Carpool: Q: How many passengers plus gear can you take? A: On my shoulders, or in my car?
- Ryan - Carpool: Q: How many passengers plus gear can you take? 6 tanks, one shovel, maybe a hand auger
Follow-Up Comments:
- on the dig I found a bone, found an old shoe, even found a peanut.
- Mae
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