Sat, Feb 16 2008 - Cross-country Skiing at Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Recreation Area (View Original Event Details)
What a day for skiing! After enduring a couple of weeks of -40 windchills, we couldn't have asked for better weather than we got: sunny skies, and temperatures hovering around zero degrees.
We skied 13 km along the Blackfoot Recreation area trails, and suffered only minor misadventure (a few falls on the trails, EOC coordinator (Ryan) losing the rest of the group, etc...). We were able to see lots of wildlife throughout the day, including a moose who wandered up beside the ski trails. Most of us continued our adventures by stopping for coffee and conversation at the Bonnie Doon Shopping Mall, where we were able to marvel at even more fauna: a menagerie of farm animals in the Bonnie Doon Mall petting zoo.
Thank you all for coming out. I hope to see you soon at other EOC events.
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