Thu, Aug 23 2007 - Bike ride in river valley (Mill Creek) (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Julie B, Mark G
Participants:LarryL, Mike H, Trang Loung, Ricky, Paola, Fiona G, Shirley M, Mark G, Julie B, Zoltán, Erin

Write Up:
A bike ride in Millcreek Ravine is an enjoyable way to spend a weekday evening. We travelled from the Muttart Conservatories pyramids up the paved bike trails to the top of the ravine near the Argyll Velodrome (bike racing oval). On the way we crossed a few bridges where we could see a network of dirt trails running near the creek below. The grade of the ravine trails are subtle when riding up but we noticed our increased speed back down to the pyramids. Probably had something to do with the rain shower and the lure of a warm pub waiting for us.

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