Tue, Jun 19 2007 - Co Co Di - Lebanese meal (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Karen E
Participants:Camille B, Jason L, Anne P., Karen, Heather, Avril A, Scott, Miriam, Zoltán, Karen E, LizW, MartinD, John, Bassey, LarryL, Bryan W., Rona L, Tim K, Shauna H., Loretta

Write Up:
The Lebanese meal was a new experience for most and there was a mixed reaction to the food varying from "okay" to "very good" depending on what was ordered.

As always though, the company was excellent!! Some were tempted to try the "hooka" -Tobacco, but a mix of fruit pulp, molasses and fresh tobacco, smoked through an elaborate pipe. But, after Miriam's tales of childhood aromas from the Philipines.... we re-thought the idea! (Lizard poop drying in the sun??!!)

A fun evening. See you all next time!

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