Mon, Apr 25 2011 - Whitemud Park Slow-Paced Exploratory Hike (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Brent S (Polé Polé), Rhonda S
Participants:Brent S (Polé Polé), Rhonda S, Deborah S

Write Up:
This morning it was down to just the three of us - Deborah and Brent and I... but we all wanted to go, so away we went. It was a fantastic spring day - FINALLY!

We walked from Whitemud Park to Whitemud Ravine and on to Rainbow Valley Park. We passed Snow Valley and under the Whitemud, continuing south following the creek to a lovely lookout over an elbow in the creek where we had our snack and then returned the way we'd come.

Thanks, Deborah and Brent, for still being game, and getting me out on the wonderful day!

-- Rhonda

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