Thu, Mar 24 2011 - Stair climb in the river valley - Royal Glenora (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Mae B
Participants:Mae B, Ray B, Heather P, Eileen H, Josephine, Shree, Radka J, ben schultz

Write Up:
Another beautiful evening in the City of Snow! We had a great group of people out for a bit of exercise, fresh air and socialization. After a nice little warm-up we climbed the stairs several times, boogied across the High Level bridge and tramped up and down the hills over to Emily Murphy Park. We did the full loop and made it back to the parking lot to make the event a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes. A little stretch and hot baths in Epsom Salts are what the doctor ordered! Happy Trails, thanks for coming out and see you next time! Mae

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