Edmonton Outdoor Club - Rules
By participating in any EOC activities, you automatically agree to follow our rules. These rules are current as of Friday, March 28, 2025 and are subject to change at any time with or without notice.- CLUB REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY
Members (participants) must recognize the authority of the trip coordinator(s)/organizer(s)/officer(s) (Club Representatives) and follow any additional rules they set up for Edmonton Outdoor Club (Club) events/outings/activities (Event) - especially if the additional rules involve your safety. Events can be cancelled or modified at the discretion of the Club Representative (for lack of interest, inclement weather or having a personal conflict with the Event). The EOC will attempt to replace a Club Representative on an Event should they be unable to attend and inform the Club in a timely manner. Club Representatives have the authority to:- Remove or reject any person from participation if they are not in condition for the Event. This is a safety issue and also helps assure the enjoyment of the other Participants.
- Participants are expected to stay together on both the trip to and during the Event. The Club Representative will adjust the pace of the Event to meet everyone's needs.
- Participants are expected to commit to the entire Event. The Club Representative cannot do their job if some Participants only go partway through the Event and then return on their own.
- If there is an emergency and/or injury, the Club Representative will terminate the Event or let someone help the injured back to transportation or medics. The volunteer will be required to be familiar with the way back.
Remember that you are representing the EOC while participating in any EOC event! Please conduct yourself in such a way as not to detract from the enjoyment of the other Participants (at all times). You may be removed or excluded from the Event should your behaviour warrant such an action. Note that we encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines at all times while participating in EOC events.
The Edmonton Outdoor Club Cancellation Policy has been designed out of consideration for event attendees and club volunteers. This policy was amended and is effective May 2011.
Our web site includes functionality for flagging a cancellation, which it calls a "No Show". The EOC has chosen to expand the definition of "No Show", and recognizes that there are three types of "No Shows":
- A No-Show Is a No-Show: Simply not showing up for an event which you are registered for, with no notice to the coordinator. This can be an inconvenience to the coordinator, who may be stuck with unexpected driver shortages, or waiting for people who don't show up. It also inconveniences other event attendees who wait around for someone who doesn't show up.
- A No-Show With Your Dough: Taking a spot on a pre-paid event, but not paying for your spot by the payment cut-off date/time. This can cause the event coordinator undue inconvenience and stress from scrambling to find last-minute replacements, and can even cause events to be cancelled due to missed payment deadlines with service providers. It also potentially inconveniences the Treasurer who has to scramble to process late-coming payments for replacement attendees. Lastly, it can also impact people who are on the waiting list and who would have paid on time, but miss out on the spot, or give up on the event, believing it to be full.
- If You Don't Show, We Don't Go (Even If You Let Them Know): A late cancellation which prevents another member from attending the event. Often, it is too late for the coordinator to find a replacement attendee and events go out with open spots, even though there is a waiting list. There is also a potential for people to be left behind if the late cancellation results in a driver shortage. Lastly, a late cancellation which compromises the EOC's relationship with a third party, such as the Christmas Bureau, which relies on having a certain number of people show up. This type of cancellation can affect whether an event can go ahead, or whether similar events will be offered in future.
We therefore log a No-Show in the following circumstances:- In the case where someone does not show up to an event, and does not contact the coordinator prior to the event. This includes being late for a carpool or meeting place and missing the group's departure. Please make every effort to be at your meeting place on time, and barring that, phone the coordinator as soon as you realize you'll be late to avoid receiving a No-Show flag.
- In the case where someone registers for a spot on a pre-paid event, but then does not pay by the cut-off date/time.
- In the case where someone cancels (with notice) after the cut-off and: there is a waiting list for the event; OR the cancellation leaves the event with too few people to go out safely; OR the cancellation leaves the event with too few carpool drivers; OR the cancellation may compromise the EOC's relationship with a third party.
Cancellation Policy:- If you are cancelling prior to the event cut-off, you should use the web site to remove yourself from the event. No further follow-up is required.
- If you cancel out of a paid event after the event cut-off, you will receive a refund only if someone takes (and pays for) your spot.
- No Show flags automatically drop off your account one year after they were logged.
- If a person has five or more No Shows on their account, they may be moved to the waiting list for an event, and they may be passed over on the waiting list for an event at the discretion of the event coordinator.
- Event attendees are responsible for having valid contact information, including e-mail address and phone number. They are responsible for checking their e-mail prior to an event for updated information.
- Event coordinators are responsible for phoning anyone added from the waiting list within 24 hours of carpool/meeting time; if no contact is made, a No-Show will not be logged against that person.
- Event coordinators will attempt to send out a reminder e-mail within 24 to 48 hours of the carpool/meeting time; HOWEVER, it is the responsibility of each attendee to be aware of their events and abide by the cancellation policy.
- Event coordinators are responsible for providing a way for people to reach them for a late cancellation (ie. Cellphone). If they do not provide a way for people to reach them, then late cancellations received at home/voicemail and via e-mail will be considered an appropriate cancellation and a no-show will only be given IF the cancellation meets the scenario described above.
- If you wish to dispute a No-Show, send an e-mail to the EOC Executive at executives@edmontonoutdoorclub.com, who will make a decision regarding reversing the No-Show.
- Event coordinators are required to consistently follow this policy and log no-shows in the circumstances described above.
- Event coordinators are encouraged to choose a cut-off date time which accurately reflects the time after which the group can be negatively impacted by a late cancellation.
- Complaint about a Volunteer/Event:
All coordinators are volunteers. You are welcome to take part in their activities, but you do so at your own risk. Only written complaints against an event coordinator or club volunteer will be considered. They may be addressed to the Volunteer Coordinator, Mark, at volunteer@edmontonoutdoorclub.com. The focus of the complaint policy is on improvement rather than discipline. - Complaint about another Club Member:
The club strongly encourages members to deal with issues directly. If you are unable or unwilling to deal directly with the person (or persons) involved, please follow these guidelines:- Complaints must be sent to the EOC Executive by e-mailing executives@edmontonoutdoorclub.com. Please include date(s), time(s), event(s), behavior(s), what your reactions/responses were, and any corroborating evidence (ie. e-mails) or witnesses.
- Complaints absolutely must come first-hand by the victim. No second- or third-hand information will be acted on or considered unless it is in corroboration with the original complaint.
- Complaints must be serious. Harrassment (sexual or otherwise), violence, illegal activities, dangerous driving, etc are valid complaints. Talking non-stop during carpool is not.
- Complaints must be specific. Vague accusations of being "creepy" or "annoying" are not valid complaints. In the event of vague complaints, the club may choose to hold off action until more evidence is produced, or the perpetrator acts inappropriately again.
- Complaints must stem from club activities. Actions of members interacting outside of club events, or who interact with members on an event without being signed up for that event themselves will not be reprimanded through the club.
- Complaints must be timely. You must contact the club executive within 48 hours of the event to make your complaint.
- Although the club executive will be discreet (ie. will not disclose your identity), they cannot guarantee anonymity because when communicating the nature of the complaint to the perpetrator, it may be possible for them to deduce who the complaint originated with.
- The club will not serve as a mediator for personal disputes.
- The club may choose not provide details on how the situation is handled, only that a warning was sent, etc.
- In the event of a first complaint against someone, they will likely receive a warning (unless the situation is very extreme). In the case that the club receives multiple complaints against the same person, they may be removed from the club.
- In the event of retaliation (ie. an attack via e-mail or phone)
resulting from the complaint, the perpetrator may be suspended/expelled
without question.
- Complaint about a Volunteer/Event:
Event Crashing means attending (or attempting to attend) a club event that you are not registered for. Showing up at a club event, meeting spot, or carpool location with the intention or hope of attending without being on the official sign-up list (or having prior clearance from the event coordinator) is against club policy. Our event sizes are restricted for a number of reasons, and it is not fair to the event coordinator to show up and ask to attend (putting them, and the group, in an awkward position), nor to any members who may still be on the waiting list who would have liked to attend.
Of course, many of our events take place in public venues, accessible to anyone. If you happen to be in the same place as one of our events, this in itself does not constitute crashing, however, integrating into the event group and participating as a member of the group does. If you are simply participating in the same activity at the same place/time as a group, be sure to participate on your own rather than attempt to integrate with the club group.
Crashing a club event will result in a warning from the club executive, and a second incident may result in a three-month suspension of your club membership.
The EOC encourages responsible drinking. Some Events may allow for the purchase and/or consumption of alcohol. We simply ask that you do not overdo it. By consuming alcohol, you give permission to allow Club Representatives to find alternative ways to transport you home/get you to the remainder of the Event or exclude you from the remainder of the Event.
Dogs are permitted on SOME Events. This is at the discretion of the Club Representative and whether the area in which the Event occurs permits them. Please see a specific Event’s details to see if dogs are permitted. You must also register your dog on an Event that permits them, so that the trip coordinator can make sure that too many are not coming along. Your dog will need to be trained to stay with the group and/or be on a leash at all times.
Hiking With Your Dog: All the Canadian Rocky Mountain national parks, at this time, allow dogs in the backcountry with the stipulation that they be physically restrained the entire time. Dogs in the backcountry are a danger to themselves. For example, they're likely to be spiked by porcupines that prowl campgrounds at night. Even worse, they can endanger their owners and other hikers because dogs infuriate bears. If a dog runs off, it might lead a bear back with it. If you must hike with a dog, never unleash it.
Carpooling With Your Dog: Dog owners must be able/willing to transport their own dog to the event, and in the case where a willing driver is not available, the dog and owner will be turned away. Dog owners must pay an extra (full) portion of the carpool amount in the event that their dog prevents a person from using a spot in a vehicle (ie. because the dog is using the spot, or because packs/equipment must use a spot because the dog is using the area that would normally hold it). If a dog is small enough to comfortably ride at its owner's feet or on their lap, the extra payment for carpool does not apply.
At this time, children are not permitted on EOC events. Club membership is available to adults only, and for liability reasons, we do not currently permit guests.
All Participants are encouraged to document the Event; however we stress you take extra measures to protect your equipment from undergoing damage. Also note that, during the Event, Club Representatives may be taking photos for use on the web site, in newsletters or other promotional materials. By participating in a Club Event, you are granting the Club permission to reuse these photos of you in such a manner.
When participating in an Adventure Sport, we ask that you leave a clean trail and unlittered camp. We encourage you to clean up after others that have come before you, as much as you can. This allows others to enjoy the trail and camp, as you did.- Stay on the trail. Do not create shortcuts. Shortcuts can cause erosion and damages the trail and trail environment. (Report any fallen trees or misuse of the trails to the club executives at executives@edmontonoutdoorclub.com.
- Carry out all litter. Leave the campsite and trail cleaner than you found it. If there is preexisting litter, please dispose or take with you as much as you can.
- Do not remove and take with you pieces of nature that you may encounter on the trail. Club Representatives may ask you to surrender such items and/or return them to where you found them.
- Protect water sources. Do not use soap in streams/lakes. Wash yourself, utensils, and clothes away from all water sources.
- Bury human waste. Where privies are not available, dig a "cathole" at least 6 inches deep and cover afterward. You should be at least 100 yards from any water source or camping area. Do not leave toilet paper above ground.
- Sterilize all drinking water. Treat water with iodine tablets, filter or boil before consuming.
- Take care with food. Animals frequent camp/picnic areas. If staying overnight, hang food at least 10 feet above ground and away from the trunk of the tree. Leaving food in your automobile is fine, if possible. Also, never leave smelly products (like toothpaste) in your tent.
- Be careful with fires. Use camp stoves for cooking. Use only downed wood for campfires and keep them small. Never leave a fire unattended and always extinguish it with water. Some areas have fire bans along the trail, so be sure to check before starting a fire.
Event Attendees are responsible for their own First Aid care and are encouraged to carry a first aid kit, and have first aid training. Coordinators also carry First Aid kits.
There are some cases in which membership with the Edmonton Outdoor Club may be revoked or suspended:- If a single complaint of enough severity is brought against an individual
- If multiple, lesser complaints are brought against an individual
- If an individual has five or more "no shows" on their account (see our "Cancellation Policy" on this page for complete information).
- Event Crashing (see below)
- If an individual is banned from three or more of our volunteers' events.
- We are a 100% volunteer-run club and as such our volunteers are within their rights to ban anyone from attending events that they coordinate if that individual is taking away from their own enjoyment of events.
- Violation of EOC "Anti-Spam" policy - see below.
If your membership is revoked you must not attempt to re-join the club or attend events under a different name. If your membership is suspended you must not attend any club events until the time of the suspension expires.
If your membership is revoked, the EOC is not obligated to provide you with a detailed reason. - MEMBER CONTACT INFORMATION - ANTI-SPAM POLICY
Contact information provided by members is solely intended for individual communication and may not be used by a member for mass emails, solicitation, direction to any other website or copied to any other mass email address list. Members wishing to share relevant happenings may post on our Calendar (participating members see "Calendar Posting" on your left nav under "Events"). To advertise, consider purchasing a Banner Ad on our site. Any misuse of contact information by a member will result in a warning, and possibly a suspension or permanent loss of club membership. - WILDLIFE
Treat wildlife with respect. Always observe from a safe distance. The EOC does not encourage or condone approaching wild animals or attempting to feed them.
Firearms/weapons are prohibited on all Events.
Please see the EOC FAQs should you need more information before joining us on an Event.